Dificuldade da receita: ✰✰✰
Para a massa:
Rendimento : Cerca de 500 gramas (Suficiente para fazer a tarta igual a da foto)
# 150g de Manteiga (temperatura ambiente)
# 1 ovo
# 300g de farinha de trigo
# 4 colheres de sopa de água gelada
# 1 pitada de sal
# Gema de ovo para pincelar
Em uma tigela, bata levemente o ovo. Em seguida, adicione a farinha, a manteiga em temperatura ambiente cortada em cubos, a água e o sal.
Misture tudo com as mãos até obter uma massa bem homogênea.
Embrulhe a massa em papel alumínio e deixe descansar na geladeira por 1 hora.
Para o recheio:
# 500g de Peito de frango em cubos
# 1 cebola média/grande
# azeite o quanto baste
# 2 ou 3 dentes de alho
# 1 colher de sopa de salsinha fresca
# 1 colher de café de orégano
# 2 cubos de caldo de galinha
# Sal e pimenta o quanto baste
# 2 tomates pequenos picados e sem sementes (pode ser substituido por 3/4 de uma xícara de molho de tomate pronto)
# 2 ou 3 colheres de requeijão ou cream cheese
Em uma panela de pressão, frite no azeite o Alho e cebola picadinhos, acrescente os dois cubos de caldo de galinha. Assim que começar a dourar, acrescente os cubos de frango e frite até que os mesmo comecem a ficar douradinhos.
Acrescente em seguida o tomate (ou molho de tomate), sal e pimenta o quanto baste e o orégano. Em seguida, acrescente água fervendo até cobrir levemente o frango. Deixe cozinhar por aproximadamente 10/13 minutos.
Estará pronto quando os pedacinhos de frango estiverem desmanchando. Despeje o conteúdo da panela em uma peneira, mas não jogue fora o caldo! Em um recipiente, coloque o todo o conteúdo do frango cozido, certifique-se de que está bem desfiado, adicione a salsinha fresca e o requeijão ou cream cheese. O resultado final deve ser um recheio bem cremoso. Se o recheio estiver pouco cremoso, adicione um pouco do caldo de frango que sobrou do cozimento.
Dica: Quem quiser e gostar, pode acrescentar milho, ervilhas ou cogumelos ao recheio!
Após 1 hora de descanso da massa, retire-a da geladeira, esfarinhe uma superfície lisa e abra a massa suficiente para cobrir o fundo de uma assadeira com o fundo removível. Após forrar o fundo, vá fazendo as laterais que deverão ter aproximadamente 3 dedos de altura. Coloque o recheio FRIO sobre a massa e a cobertura da massa é pura criação.
Após a torta pronta, misture uma gema de ovo com uma colher de água e pincele sobre toda a torta.
O forno deverá ser pré aquecido a 180 graus e a torta levará aproximadamente 30/40 minutos para assar ou até dourar a massa.
Chefs de plantão....Mãos a óbra e já para a cozinha!!!!
Até breve....
This recipe is always a hit! Ideal for intimate parties, birthdays and for when you go to a friend's house and have to take something and want to impress! Pastry is always welcome! Let's go to the recipe?!
Recipe Difficulty: ✰ ✰ ✰
For the dough:Yield: About 500 grams (enough to make a tart like the photo)
# 150g butter (room temperature)# 1 egg# 300g plain flour# 4 tablespoons ice water# 1 pinch of salt# Egg yolk for brushing
In a bowl, lightly beat the egg. Then add the flour, butter at room temperature, cut into cubes, water and salt.
Mix everything with hands until dough is very homogeneous.
Wrap dough in foil and let rest in refrigerator for 1 hour.
For the filling:
# 500g chicken breast into cubes# 1 onion, medium / large# How much is enough Olive oil# 2 or 3 garlic cloves# 1 tablespoon fresh parsley# 1 teaspoon oregano# 2 cubes chicken stock# Salt and pepper # 2 small tomatoes, seeded and chopped (can be substituted with 3 / 4 of a cup of ready tomato sauce)# 2 or 3 tablespoons of cream cheese
In a pressure cooker, fry the garlic and chopped onion in olive oil , add the cubes of chicken. Once you begin to brown, add the chicken cubes and fry until they start to be brown. Then add the tomatoes (or tomato sauce), salt and pepper and oregano how much is enough. Then add boiling water to lightly cover the chicken. Cook for about 10/13 minutes.
Will be ready when the chicken pieces are falling apart. Pour contents of pan into a sieve, but do not throw the broth! In a bowl, place the entire contents of cooked chicken, make sure it is securely shredded, add the fresh parsley and the cream cheese. The end result should be a very creamy filling. If the filling is lightly creamy, add a bit of chicken stock left over from cooking.
Tip: Those who want and like, you can add corn, peas or mushrooms to the filling!
After 1 hour of rest the pastry, remove it from the refrigerator, put some flour a smooth surface and roll the pastry enough to cover the bottom of a roasting pan with removable bottom. After lining the bottom of it, just that the sides should be about three fingers high. Place the filling COLD and the coverage is pure creation.
After the tart is ready, mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon water and brush over entire pie.
The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees and the pie will take about 30/40 minutes to bake or until became golden.
Chefs on duty .... to work and now for the kitchen!!
See you soon ....Xxxxx
Recipe Difficulty: ✰ ✰ ✰
For the dough:Yield: About 500 grams (enough to make a tart like the photo)
# 150g butter (room temperature)# 1 egg# 300g plain flour# 4 tablespoons ice water# 1 pinch of salt# Egg yolk for brushing
In a bowl, lightly beat the egg. Then add the flour, butter at room temperature, cut into cubes, water and salt.
Mix everything with hands until dough is very homogeneous.
Wrap dough in foil and let rest in refrigerator for 1 hour.
For the filling:
# 500g chicken breast into cubes# 1 onion, medium / large# How much is enough Olive oil# 2 or 3 garlic cloves# 1 tablespoon fresh parsley# 1 teaspoon oregano# 2 cubes chicken stock# Salt and pepper # 2 small tomatoes, seeded and chopped (can be substituted with 3 / 4 of a cup of ready tomato sauce)# 2 or 3 tablespoons of cream cheese
In a pressure cooker, fry the garlic and chopped onion in olive oil , add the cubes of chicken. Once you begin to brown, add the chicken cubes and fry until they start to be brown. Then add the tomatoes (or tomato sauce), salt and pepper and oregano how much is enough. Then add boiling water to lightly cover the chicken. Cook for about 10/13 minutes.
Will be ready when the chicken pieces are falling apart. Pour contents of pan into a sieve, but do not throw the broth! In a bowl, place the entire contents of cooked chicken, make sure it is securely shredded, add the fresh parsley and the cream cheese. The end result should be a very creamy filling. If the filling is lightly creamy, add a bit of chicken stock left over from cooking.
Tip: Those who want and like, you can add corn, peas or mushrooms to the filling!
After 1 hour of rest the pastry, remove it from the refrigerator, put some flour a smooth surface and roll the pastry enough to cover the bottom of a roasting pan with removable bottom. After lining the bottom of it, just that the sides should be about three fingers high. Place the filling COLD and the coverage is pure creation.
After the tart is ready, mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon water and brush over entire pie.
The oven should be preheated to 180 degrees and the pie will take about 30/40 minutes to bake or until became golden.
Chefs on duty .... to work and now for the kitchen!!
See you soon ....Xxxxx
O cheirinho que fica quando se prepara o recheio e demais!!!!! adorei a massa, vale a pena fazer e saborear