O objetivo do Blog é trazer curiosidades sobre o mundo culinário, receitas minhas, de grandes Chefs e alguns segredinhos..... Além de dicas de vinho, Histórias e perfil de Chefs renomados ou nem tanto, mas que tenham algo interessante para mostrar..... Novos utensílios.... Dicas de bons restaurantes... etc...
A grande idéia é de compartilhar experiências! Portanto, fique muito a vontade para comentar ou ainda postar a sua receita, estamos totalmente aberto a novas idéias e sugestões!
Blog está sendo sendo feito de coração, e eu acredito verdadeiramente que como na cozinha, não pode ser diferente!!!!
Como sou brasileira e moro na Irlanda, todos os posts do Blog serão feitos em Português e Inglês logo abaixo! Logo, peço desculpas adiantada de possíveis erros ortográficos, de concordância, etc :-)
Acho que é isso!
Espero que gostem!
The purpose of the blog is to bring facts about the culinary world, my recipes, great chefs recipes and a few tricky ..... Plus tips on wine, history and profile of renowned chefs or not, but someone who has something interesting to show ..... New tools .... Tips for good restaurants ... etc ...
The big idea is to share experiences! So feel free to comment or post your recipe, we are totally open to new ideas and suggestions!
Blog is being done from the heart, and I truly believe that as in the kitchen can not be different!!
As I am Brazilian and I live in Ireland, all blog entries will be made in Portuguese and English below! So I apologize ahead of possible errors in spelling, agreement, etc. :-)
I think that's it!
Hope you enjoy!
The big idea is to share experiences! So feel free to comment or post your recipe, we are totally open to new ideas and suggestions!
Blog is being done from the heart, and I truly believe that as in the kitchen can not be different!!
As I am Brazilian and I live in Ireland, all blog entries will be made in Portuguese and English below! So I apologize ahead of possible errors in spelling, agreement, etc. :-)
I think that's it!
Hope you enjoy!
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