Bom.... o que se sabe é que o arroz foi trazido pelos portugueses... e o feijão já era consumido pelos índios que no Brasil viviam.... Como os dois foram parar no mesmo prato?!?!
Bom... essa resposta é ainda desconhecida... mas juntos, eles formam uma proteína que faz toda a diferença para a sua saúde. A dupla também ajuda a equilibrar os níveis de glicose no sangue e é aliada da saúde bucal.
Como em um casamento feliz, a química aqui é perfeita. Mais do que uma saborosa parceria, o encontro do arroz com o feijão assegura um invejável arranjo de nutrientes. O que falta em um, o outro fornece e, assim, se completam. Unidos, oferecem uma excelente combinação protéica
Tal performance é rara de ver entre os vegetais. Geralmente são alimentos de origem animal, como as carnes, que apresentam esse perfil protéico.
A dica é botar no prato uma concha de feijão para meia escumadeira de arroz. Essa é a proporção precisa, do ponto de vista químico. Enquanto o arroz sozinho, principalmente o polido, pode disparar as taxas de açúcar e insulina na circulação, o feijão tem o poder de brecar esse efeito, o que mantém a glicose estabilizada. A mistura é, portanto, bem-vinda para manter a glicemia em níveis adequados e diminuir o risco do diabete.
Qual o segredo para um arroz e feijão delícia!?!?
Para o Arroz:
Para 1 xícara de arroz, coloque na panela em fogo médio, 1 dente de alho espremido, um pedacinho de cebola bem picado, uma colher de café rasa de sal e uma colher de sopa de azeite. Refogue e em seguida coloque o arroz, previamente lavado.
Coloque água quente até a mesma ficar DOIS dedos acima do arroz na panela. Cozinhe em fogo baixo. Estará pronto quando toda a água secar!
Para o Feijão:
Deixe de molho em água quente 500g de feijão por aproximadamente 1 hora. Os grãos de feijão irão inchar, isso diminuirá o tempo de cozimento. Coloque-os em uma panela de pressão, adicione um cubo e caldo de galinha e se quiserem e gostarem, podem colocar pedacinhos de bacon e/ou pedacinhos de linguiça calabresa para cozinhar junto com o feijão. Coloque água na panela até ficar 3 dedos acima do feijão.
Coloque para cozinhar e o mesmo deverá ficar 25 minutos na pressão.
Após cozido, frite em uma panela a parte, 2 dentes de alho espremidos, 1 cebola média bem picada em um pouco de azeite.
Adicione o alho e a cebola ao feijão cozido e deixe ferver por mais alguns minutos. Adicione uma colher de salsinha fresca e picada ao feijão cozido.
Espero que gostem!!!
Chefs de plantão... mãos a obra e já para a cozinha!!!!
Até Breve!!!
Has anyone stopped to think how did this wonderful combination of Brazilian cuisine?!?!
Well ... What is known is that the rice was brought by the Portuguese ... and beans was already consumed by the Indians who lived in Brazil .... How they came to the same plate?!?!
Well .. this response is still unknown ... but together they form a protein that makes all the difference to your health. The pair also helps to balance blood glucose levels and is an ally of oral health.
Like a happy marriage, the chemistry is perfect here. More tasty than a partnership, the meeting of rice with beans ensures an enviable array of nutrients. What is lacking in one, the other provides, and thus complement each other. Together they offer an excellent combination of protein
This performance is rare to see among the vegetables. Are usually foods of animal origin such as meats, which provide the protein profile.
The trick is to put in a dish of beans to shell half slotted spoon rice.This is the precise proportion of the chemical point of view. While the rice alone, especially polished, rates can shoot sugar and insulin in the circulation, the bean has the power to brake this effect, which keeps the glucose stabilized. The mixture is therefore welcome to maintain adequate blood glucose levels and decrease the risk of diabetes.
What is the secret to a delicious rice and beans!?!?
For Rice:
For 1 cup of rice, place in saucepan over medium heat, 1 garlic clove, squeezed, a bit of finely chopped onion, a teaspoon of salt and a shallow tablespoon of olive oil. Saute and then place the rice, previously washed.
Place hot water until it gets two fingers above the rice pot. Cook over low heat. Will be ready when all the water dry out!
For the beans:
Soak in hot water 500g of beans for about 1 hour. The beans will swell, this will decrease the cooking time. Place them in a pressure cooker, add a chicken bouillon cube and if you want and like, you can put bits of bacon and/or bits of sausage to cook with the beans. Place water in saucepan until 3 fingers above the beans.
Put to cook and it should be 25 minutes in pressure.
Once cooked, fry in a pan part, 2 cloves crushed garlic, 1 finely chopped medium onion in a little olive oil.
Add the garlic and onion to the cooked beans and simmer for a few more minutes. Add a tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley and the cooked beans.
Hope you enjoy!
Chefs on duty ... get busy and already to the kitchen!!
See you soon!
Well ... What is known is that the rice was brought by the Portuguese ... and beans was already consumed by the Indians who lived in Brazil .... How they came to the same plate?!?!
Well .. this response is still unknown ... but together they form a protein that makes all the difference to your health. The pair also helps to balance blood glucose levels and is an ally of oral health.
Like a happy marriage, the chemistry is perfect here. More tasty than a partnership, the meeting of rice with beans ensures an enviable array of nutrients. What is lacking in one, the other provides, and thus complement each other. Together they offer an excellent combination of protein
This performance is rare to see among the vegetables. Are usually foods of animal origin such as meats, which provide the protein profile.
The trick is to put in a dish of beans to shell half slotted spoon rice.This is the precise proportion of the chemical point of view. While the rice alone, especially polished, rates can shoot sugar and insulin in the circulation, the bean has the power to brake this effect, which keeps the glucose stabilized. The mixture is therefore welcome to maintain adequate blood glucose levels and decrease the risk of diabetes.
What is the secret to a delicious rice and beans!?!?
For Rice:
For 1 cup of rice, place in saucepan over medium heat, 1 garlic clove, squeezed, a bit of finely chopped onion, a teaspoon of salt and a shallow tablespoon of olive oil. Saute and then place the rice, previously washed.
Place hot water until it gets two fingers above the rice pot. Cook over low heat. Will be ready when all the water dry out!
For the beans:
Soak in hot water 500g of beans for about 1 hour. The beans will swell, this will decrease the cooking time. Place them in a pressure cooker, add a chicken bouillon cube and if you want and like, you can put bits of bacon and/or bits of sausage to cook with the beans. Place water in saucepan until 3 fingers above the beans.
Put to cook and it should be 25 minutes in pressure.
Once cooked, fry in a pan part, 2 cloves crushed garlic, 1 finely chopped medium onion in a little olive oil.
Add the garlic and onion to the cooked beans and simmer for a few more minutes. Add a tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley and the cooked beans.
Hope you enjoy!
Chefs on duty ... get busy and already to the kitchen!!
See you soon!
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